Note: This portfolio is currently under progress.
Development is postponed for later :)
Utilizing AI and machine learning, the project extracts text from images via Apple's Vision Framework and offers instant answers to questions in documents through the BERT model.
A dynamic iOS app that streamlines library seat reservations. It uses SwiftUI and follows MVVM architecture. Key features include SignUp, LogIn, and Reset Password views with Firebase integration.
TSP aims for the most efficient route across cities. This Python project, employing Tkinter and the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture, visualizes TSP solutions. It generates random cities and presents the optimal path.
The project implements an algorithm that finds the closest pair of points in a 2D screen using a time complexity of O(n log n). The algorithm is implemented in an iOS application using the MVC architectural pattern.
This project is a collection of command-line games implemented in Swift. that includes different types of games such as math games, bomb games, and flag games.
The Circumcircle Triangle Generator is a Cocoa-based Playground, Written with Swift. The app calculates triangle vertices on a circumcircle, updating the display based on user input.
BPM (Beats Per Minute) Calculator & Counter using Heart Pulse Sensor, 0.96 OLED Display with 128x64 resolution & Arduino UNO Board.
Nec feugiat ut neque odio quo, interdum, quis elit varius.
Nec feugiat ut neque odio quo, interdum, quis elit varius.
Nec feugiat ut neque odio quo, interdum, quis elit varius.
Nec feugiat ut neque odio quo, interdum, quis elit varius.
Nec feugiat ut neque odio quo, interdum, quis elit varius.